双语视频 | "Oriental Gem"Crested Ibis From the Qinling Mountains to the World “东方宝石”朱鹮从秦岭飞向世界

双语视频 | "Oriental Gem"Crested Ibis From the Qinling Mountains to the World “东方宝石”朱鹮从秦岭飞向世界

来源:群众新闻 2024-04-27 19:59
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The crested ibis is a rare and endangered bird on earth and China's first-class protected species known as the "Oriental Gem" .


Since the 20th century,the global population of crested ibis has decreased dramatically and the species was once considered extinct.


Until, in May 1981,seven wild crested ibis were found in Yangxian County, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province,which catalyzed China's efforts to recover and protect this species.


Over the past 43 years,Shaanxi has adopted a number of measures involving environmental conservation and wetland restoration in the habitat of crested ibis. As a result, the living conditions for the birds have been optimized like never before.


Today, with more than 11,000 crested ibis globally.The species has been downgraded from Critically Endangered to Endangered.


Shaanxi has reintroduced over 500 crested ibis to their native habitats. It has also helped China's other provinces, as well as Japan and South Korea set up more than 20 artificial breeding bases.Thanks to these efforts, the crested ibis have flown over the Qinling Mountains to the world.


The conservation of crested ibis has set a prime example for the world in saving endangered species.


As China's ecological and cultural "name card" ,the crested ibis have become the goodwill ambassadors and envoys of peace and friendship.


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